Screen Printed Dupatta with Roses.

Screen Printed Dupatta with Roses on 100% cotton material. Beautiful and elegant. Roses border gives a new different trendy look to the scarf. Color rich pink makes it lively and designer scarf.

Product Details: 

Screen Print Cotton Dupatta , buy online from our Designer collection, Designer U Visakhapatnam at a reasonable price.


Screen Print Cotton Dupatta – has eye pleasing colors, This is done with single Monochromatic color pink is used for this design to develop a soft and elegant feel.

Screen Print cotton Dupatta , with Roses as border designed for rose overs, on Pure cotton Dupatta Is a screen Printed 100% cotton Dupatta with beautiful color combinations.

Key words:

Screen Print Cotton Dupatta  , designed scarf on Pure cotton Dupatta from Designer U, Best Designer from Visakhapatnam.
